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Veterans Can Wait
You may recall, that some very historic legislation was signed into law by President Trump on June 6, 2019. It was the VA Mission Act; replete with many new options for Veterans to pursue the health care and other services they require, through their own community providers ( if approved ) but still being paid for by the VA.
Since that time, many Congressmen and Senators have introduced complimentary resolutions to enhance the Act. Where are they ? What happened to them ? Perhaps these resolutions were voted down; maybe they simply didn't pass .
That's not the case at all. Dozens of Bills benefitting Veterans, and their dependents, are just sitting in Committees and Sub-Committees. With the entire focus of Congress being diverted away from meaningful legislation, these measures for our Veterans are collecting dust. They are not the news of the day. Veterans can wait. They served, they fought, many became disabled, and later suffered a myriad of issues. Now, they can just wait.
Please indulge me for a few moments whilst I list a few of these resolutions for you.
A bill to require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to carry out a pilot program on information sharing between the Department of Veterans Affairs and designated relatives and friends of veterans regarding the assistance and benefits available to the... 2019-11-14 To Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee
A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to ensure that veterans may attend pre-apprenticeship programs using certain educational assistance provided by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, and for other purposes. 2019-11-14 To Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee
A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to prohibit smoking on the premises of any facility of the Veterans Health Administration, and for other purposes. 2019-11-14 To Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee
Reducing High Risk to Veterans and Veterans Services Act 2019-11-13 To Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee
Protect the GI Bill Act 2019-11-13 To Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee
VA Design-Build Construction Enhancement Act of 2019 2019-11-13 To Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee
A resolution encouraging the President to expand the list of the Department of Veterans Affairs of presumptive medical conditions associated with exposure to Agent Orange to include Parkinsonism, bladder cancer, hypertension, and hypothyroidism. 2019-11-13 To Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee
Fallen Warrior Battlefield Cross Memorial Act 2019-11-13 To Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee
A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to extend the authority of the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to continue to pay educational assistance or subsistence allowances to eligible persons when educational institutions are temporarily closed, a... 2019-11-07 To Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee
A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to establish a presumption of service-connection for certain veterans with tinnitus or hearing loss. 2019-11-07 To Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee
A bill to direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to develop and maintain a suicide risk management and prevention and lethal means training course for certain employees of the Department of Veterans Affairs, and for other purposes. 2019-11-07 To Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee
A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to allow a veteran to receive a full year supply of contraceptive pills, transdermal patches, and vaginal rings, and for other purposes. 2019-11-07 To Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee
Homeless Veteran Families Act This bill updates the Department of Veterans Affairs per diem payment calculation for entities furnishing services to homeless veterans to include funding for a minor dependent. The rate for per diem payments is the dail... 2019-10-16 To Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee
VREASA Veterans Reimbursement for Emergency Ambulance Services Act 2019-07-31 To Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee
Have you heard enough ? Granted, many of these proposals are recent; I have chosen just a few for illustrative purpose. In total, there are 68 Resolutions and Bills, some of them dating back to 2015, waiting for discussion, debate and votes in the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee.
Please contact your District's Congressman or your state's Senator(s) and urge them to assist in discontinuing the current distractions and time-consuming antics, that are delaying your well deserved benefits.
